Servicii Stomatologice
Services at Our Clinic
Albiri Dentare Premium
Our dentists will clean up your teeth, conduct a thorough check before covering the teeth with a new …
Proteze Dentare Scheletate
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Proteze Dentare pe Capse
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Proteze Dentare pe Implanturi
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Proteze Dentare
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Coroane Zirconiu
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Fatete Dentare
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Coroane dentare
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
Rezultate dupa Implantul Dentar
Dental implants replace the missing tooth by implanting artificial roots into the jaw under surgical …
“Multumesc domnului doctor, m-a scapat de niste dureri de necrezut”
Client cabinet stomatologic Dr. Horvat
“Nu mai stiam ce sa fac, am fost la mai multi medici pana am dat prin recomandari de Dr. Horvat, de cand am pasit in cabinet am avut un sentiment bun, iar acum pot spune ca recomand tuturor acest medic. Mi-a rezolvat toate problemele din gura.”
Client cabinet stomatologic Dr. Horvat
“Recomand tuturor sa viziteze acest cabinet! Am fobie de intepaturi si seringi, ce pot sa spun e ca dl. doctor foloseste un ac invizibil pentru ca n-am simtit nici o injectie ”
Client cabinet stomatologic Dr. Horvat
“Am avut un chist complicat pe care l-am tratat la cabinetul stomatologic Dr. Horvat, m-a impresionat profesionalismul cat si colaborarea dintre dansul si chirurg, nu sunt specialista dar mi s-a parut ca s-au miscat si completat exceptional”
Client cabinet stomatologic Dr. Horvat
“Lucrez in show-biz, am fost la tot felul de asa zise clinici dentare de lux, in cautarea celei mai bune solutii pentru a obtine o versiune personalizata a, cum ii spunem noi, zambetul Hollywood. N-am fost multumit pana cand am ajuns in acest cabinet medical, de-atunci eu doar aici vin.”
Client cabinet stomatologic Dr. Horvat
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